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中国本土のNintendo Switchゲームの販売代理店は、いかにクレイジーなことが起こっているかを明らかにしました。
また、上海に拠点を置く1つの小売業者Brick and Mortar Gamesに至っては2,640本ものゲームを注文しており、淘宝網では価格が高騰し始めています。
How well has Octopath Traveler been selling since the Chinese support announcement?
From a distributor, we knew that within 8 hours (10AM to 6PM), all 37 retailers under a single distribution channel ordered all of the 31,906 copies available. (1/2) pic.twitter.com/doTTjqVDMr— Chinese Nintendo (@chinesenintendo) 2019年4月15日
A single brick & mortar game store (that also sells games online) in Shanghai ordered 2,640 copies. Prices have been hiking on Taobao.
This is a very remarkable achievement for a country where the game is not officially distributed and few official advertisements are present.
— Chinese Nintendo (@chinesenintendo) 2019年4月15日